Tuesday, July 28, 2015





2015年3月5日、共産主義者で慰安婦像支持者である朝鮮人のKim Ki-Jong(上から左の写真)は、韓国駐在の米国人大使Mark Lippert氏を襲った。Kimは大使の顔をナイフで切りつけた。

Lippert 大使はかろうじて助かった。2010年、慰安婦像支持者であるKim Ki-Jongは、韓国駐在の日本人大使の暗殺を企てている。Kimはヒーローとして祝福され、寄付金が集まった。


When the statues are installed, violence follows. 

These Statues Are Designed To Spark Violence.

On 5th March 2015, Korean Communist and comfort woman statue supporter Kim Ki-Jong, seen next to a statue top left, attacked US Ambassador to South Korea, Mark Lippert. Kim slashed Ambassador Lippert on the face with a knife.

Ambassador Lippert barely escaped alive. In 2010, that same comfort woman statue suppoter, Kim Ki-Jong, tried to assassinate the Japanese Ambassador to Korea. Kim was celebrated as a hero and showered with donations.


Monday, July 27, 2015

拝啓 マイケルヨン氏

返信くださりありがとうございます。私は朝日新聞のスタッフライターのHajime Takedaと申します。今年は戦後70年にあたります。そのため、いろいろな面からこの歴史的出来事をレポートしています。


何日か前、あなたのことを聞きに Youichi Minato 氏のところに行きました。あなたがタイに戻る前に会えなくて残念です。


(1) アメリカ人が慰安婦問題に興味を持つのは珍しいことと思います。興味を持つに至ったきっかけを教えてください。

A) 最初に言っておく、これは敵からのインタビューとみなしている。朝日新聞が誤ったセックス奴隷の作り話で何年にもわたって日本人と外国の読者を惑わしてきたと私は堅く信じている。これは日本と米国に損害を与えてきた。はっきりさせておこう、現時点で私は朝日新聞に対して敵愾心を持っているし、朝日新聞への私の敵愾心は日本では良く知られていることと思う。









(2) 日本政府は「河野談話」を支持している。これは慰安婦に軍が関与していたことを認めたものです。「河野談話」に関してどのように思われますか?

「慰安婦システム」が存在したことをだれも否定していない。慰安婦は今日でも存在する - 大規模に - 韓国と日本、そして世界中に。若い米国兵の間では韓国は売春婦で有名だ。オーストラリアと米国の入管は韓国人の売春婦が入ってくるのを食い止めるのに苦労している。だれも韓国人を売春婦にするためにさらってくることなどしない。








(3) この件に関して事情に通じていて、あなたが影響をうけることとなった日本人はいますか?




Dear Mr.Michael Yon

Thank you for communication. I am Hajime Takeda who is the Asahi Shimbun staff writer.
This year is a year of 70th after the war. So I am reporting about a historical issue in various ways now.
I knew that you were interested in comfort woman issue of the former Japan forces. Few days ago I have visited Mr. Yoichi Minato for asking about you.
I am sorry that I cannot meet you before return Thailand.

I would like to have a question.

①I think that it is unusual for an American to be interested in comfort woman issues.  Please tell me the motive that you were interested in.

A) First I will be clear that I consider this a hostile interview.  I believe that Asahi spent years deceiving Japanese and foreign readers about the false sex-slave narrative.  This damaged Japan and the United States.  To be clear, at this point in time I am hostile towards Asahi Shimbun for this, and I think my hostility towards Asahi is well known in Japan.  

Asahi Shimbun is the second largest paid newspaper in the world.  You are powerful and the danger my open hostility can bring can be serious.
With that bit of truth in mind, let us proceed. 

I have had a long interest in geopolitics and national security.  I spent years studying and writing about conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand, for example.  Strategic thinkers in the USA, Japan, Australia, China, and elsewhere, all realize that friction with China is increasing.  Japan is a front line.  

Some people see this, others do not yet see it, but at this rate everyone will see it sooner later.  China is running a strategic information operation to weaken Japan, and to split Japan off from strategic alliance with the USA.  

China also is working to foment anger between Korea and Japan.  Your newspaper helped facilitate this hatred toward Japan that is damaging us all.  

For years I have written positive words about Japan, and less positive things about China.  Others have noticed this, and brought to my attention the PRC strategic information operation underway.  After research, I decided to get more serious with this issue that brings danger to the United States, to Japan, and to other allies.  The issue that your newspaper facilitated.  This is the source of my hostility towards Asahi Shimbun.

Your newspaper is extremely powerful with global reach in Japanese and English.  Your newspaper has the power to do good or to do bad.  Your ink can be medicine or poison.  On this issue, your paper has chosen to use poison and untrue words. If Asahi had stayed on a truthful path, I would not be here because this would not have grown into a strategic issue.

②The Japanese Government maintains "the KONO statement" which apologized to in acknowledgment of the participation of the military about comfort woman system. How do you think about "KONO  statement?”

Nobody on any side denies the comfort women system existed.  It still exists today — massively — in Korea, Japan, and around the world.  Among young US service members, Korea is famous as a brothel.  Australia and US immigration are having difficulty keeping Korean prostitutes at bay.  Nobody has to kidnap Koreans into prostitution.

At question is accusations against Japan for committing massive sex-slavery.  This did not occur.  There were some serious but limited abuses in Indonesia and Philippines, which are well known and all sides admit to this and apologies were made and compensation dispensed.

Among the list of the alleged aggrieved nations is Thailand, for example.  I am in Thailand now researching this.  The sex-slavery did not occur in Thailand.  

As for the Kono statement, that was a strategic cultural mistake on Japan’s part.  I am from the southern United States.  Florida, specifically.  We have a tendency in the South to apologize for things that we did not actually do.  We apologize to make relations go better.  It is a natural part of our culture.  

Other parts of the USA do not share this culture, so if I apologize for something, they might say that is an admission of guilt.  But it was not an admission of guilt.  It was a cultural tic.  Japanese also have this same cultural tic.  

I understand it fully because my culture is the same.  Japanese apologize and shoulder blame when they really are blameless.  If I lose a phone in a taxi, the honest Japanese taxi driver will bring it back and apologize to me because I forgot.  I have traveled to nearly six dozen countries.  Really travelled.  These were not airport stops.  Japanese are the most honest people I have encountered anywhere.  But not all Japanese are so honest, as we have seen with the Asahi sex-slave stories.

Japan has culture of honesty and honor that is not widespread around the world.  Some cultures who live close to Japan are the opposite.  So when the Kono statement was made, they other cultures said okay, pay us the money.  In reality, Japanese were saying let us put this behind us and move forward.  The Kono statement was a cultural blunder, but not a crime.

It should be noted that there is a cultural trait from Korea that holds descendants responsible for crimes of their parents and grandparents and beyond.  Japanese say let's move on, Koreans say let's hang on. Of course this is a general statement.  Many Koreans are honest people who also wish to live for today and tomorrow, and not for historical allegations that are obviously untrue. 

③Is there the Japanese well-informed person whom you came under an influence of?

In Japan it is easy to find well-informed people.  Japan as a country is comparatively extremely well informed about the world — I say this after having travelled to some 70 countries for more than 20 years.  There is no individual Japanese person who is a mentor, but many are spending time helping me to learn about Japan.  I have found Japanese  people are great like this.  If you want to learn, Japanese will stop and teach.  That is what I have learned.  

In closing, I would like to thank you and Asahi Shimbun for this opportunity, knowing I am likely hostile to Asahi.  This is a positive side of Asahi.  Asahi has great power, and with that comes great responsibility.  


Friday, July 24, 2015


















Can Foreigners wear Kimono? ボストン美術館・着物イベントに批判で中止?
This has become a big deal due to Chi-Kos (PRC-Chinese and Koreans) exporting primitive thoughts around the world. For some self-centered reason, a few Chi-Ko think they represent Asia, and they think they harbor thoughts worth listening to about whether foreigners can or should wear a Japanese kimono. 
Who cares what a Chinese or Korean thinks about a beautiful Japanese dress? A Mexican or Canadian has views that are just as valid on the same topic of Japanese kimono. 
This is no different than I, American, offering thoughts on who should be allowed to wear German Lederhosen. My view on the matter is irrelevant, just as are the Chi-Ko views on kimono. 
That so many Chi-Ko think they represent 'asians' is laughable and speaks of a limited world view, or just arrogance and manipulation. 
If I were the museum director in Boston where this drama is playing out today, I would have met the Chi-Ko protestors with a different response:
Chi-Ko: "This is racist. Whitey racist should no wear evil Japanese dress. Japanese is evil demon from hell. This is racist wear Japanese evil kimono. We speak from Asians bloods with authority from Asians and speak for Asians all."
Me as museum director: "Thank you for your thoughts. Now move your protest outside of the museum."
Chi-Ko: "You make us angry very!!!"
Museum director: "You are clenching your fists. Do you intend to make violence?"
Chi-Ko: "Anything possible with Korean man!"
Museum director: "You are trespassing. Leave now."
Chi-Ko: "We no leave! You leave!"
Museum director: "911. What is your emergency?" "Hello 911. I am the director of the Museum of Fine arts in Boston. There is no immediate emergency but we have an illegal protest developing that includes trespassing. Please send a unit when possible. Thank you."
Turns back, walks away.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


どうやってあなたの「芸術」を説明すればいいのだ? あなたは尋ねたが。:

この絵には想像力の無い朝鮮人が自らの嘘と精神的病からくる憎しみによってあおられて、芸術やプロパガンダを完成させようとするときに典型的に見られる特徴がある。しかし同情はできる。済州島や朝鮮半島で朝鮮人がお互いを大量虐殺している絵は描いたのか? 韓国人がベトナムで大量虐殺をしている絵は? 第二次大戦中、韓国人が米軍捕虜を拷問している絵でもいい。



今日、朝鮮(韓国)の主要な輸出品は売春婦だ。ちょっと前まで酔っぱらっていることが強姦犯罪の言い逃れとして通用していた。「裁判長、すみません。酔っぱらっていたので彼女を強姦してしまいました。」 なんと野蛮なことか。

朝鮮の他の主要な輸出品は嘘だ。文化的にみても朝鮮は嘘つきで悪名高い。それは事実だ。… 日本人は地上で最も正直な人々として広く知られている。(まぁ、しかし、日本人が嘘をつくときはとんでもなく大きく出てくる)

朝鮮人は暴力的衝動をコントロールすることができないことで良く知られている。石を投げ続けたらどうなると思う? 彼らは石を投げかえし始める。




Korea-Japan: A fellow asks me to critique his 'art'
To: Adam Merrigan 
How do I describe your 'art'? You asked: 
Your painting is typical of uninspired Korean attempts at art and propaganda fueled by hatred based on Korean lies and mental illness. But that is being charitable. 
Where are your paintings of Koreans slaughtering each other on Jeju island and around the peninsula? Or of Koreans doing wholesale slaughter in Vietnam? How about Koreans torturing American prisoners during World War II? 
Your painting is based on Korean lies. Why not stick to the truth of Korean barbarity?
You must realize that Koreans comprised a sizable portion of the Japanese military during World War II, but often were deemed unfit for combat service and so were given easier jobs such as guarding prison camps -- where Koreans tortured Americans and British and Aussies. 
Koreans are bringing attention to their own severe war crimes by constantly crying and throwing tantrums about Japan. When it comes to war, Korea is a walking war crime.
Today one of Korea's main exports is prostitutes. Until just recent years, drunkenness was a real defense in rape cases. "Sorry your honor. I raped her only because I was drunk." Savages.
Another main export from Korea is lies. As a culture, Koreans are notorious liars. And that is the truth... Japanese are widely known for being among the most honest people on earth. (Granted, when Japanese lie, they go BIG!)
Koreans are well known for an inability to control violent urges. 
See what you get when you keep throwing stones? People start throwing them back.
Korea needs to grow up and become an adult country and stop bringing its mental troubles to Japan, Australia, and to the USA.
Mr. Merrigan, you are welcome to quote my entire critique under your painting and with promotional brochures. 
This ends my art critique of the day. I probably will not be hired by the New York Times art section.


元はAdam Merriganではなく、Kim Mok Sung の絵のようです。

KY: The picture was painted by KimMokSung not Adam Merrigan.


I don't know whether they are the same person.

MY: Well that adds another twist. This means at least one person is lying either 
about his/her name or about who did the art. Good catch.

JM: He should at least find worthy art if he's going to steal someone's work.

MY: Let's see what he/she says. He/she might be using one or more fake names.  

Someone might have stolen his or her work. Or...he or she might be lying, which would be normal given what we are talking about here. It is very difficult to fi
nd the truth in Korea. It is easier to find the Loch Ness monster.  

Not matter what, there is at least one lie flying around on this painting. It is presented under two different names.


WARNING on Representative Mike Honda

WARNING on Representative Mike Honda
Longtime readers know that I have often made controversial warnings in my writing. Sometimes those warnings caused much controversy, but in each and every case the warnings have proven true:
1) I said Rolling Stone magazine was lying about Afghanistan in 2010-2011 and launched a boycott against Rolling Stone. As per normal, many people said I must have ulterior motives. But they were wrong. Rolling Stone was lying and rotten, and I said so.
This year Rolling Stone was busted hands down for lying about a rape case at a university. They just made up 'facts' just as they had done in Afghanistan. Whole cloth lies which damaged peoples' lives. Luckily I was able to defend the Soldiers in Afghanistan. The Rolling Stone lies about the rape case at the university was exposed by others.
2) 'Journalist' Michael Hastings: Likewise busted. He wrote for Rolling Stone. Hastings is dead. He crashed his Mercedes into a palm tree in Hollywood and exploded. I visited the palm tree last year while doing research on the comfort women issues. The palm tree is alive and well.
3) Brigadier General Daniel Menard: Very popular figure at the time. My warnings about him caused furious uproar. Due directly to my work, Menard was relieved of command, busted in rank to Colonel, kicked out off the Canadian Army and earlier this year was in jail for alleged gun running in Afghanistan. (The jail in Afghanistan was not due to my work -- the part about being relieved of command and busted to colonel was a result of my research.)
4) CJ Grisham -- Master Sergeant USA (now retired). Returned home from Afghanistan and became a convicted criminal, and more. He was a popular blogger for awhile, trading on stolen valor which I busted. Today he is in the news due to carrying AR-15 rifles into places like McDonald's and Starbucks. Grisham has published that he hears voices in his head. How do you feel about someone who hears voices in his head walking down the toy section of Walmart while carrying an AR-15?
5) General Stanley McChrystal: This was a very controversial topic when I recommended he be fired from Afghanistan. Later he was fired based on statements he made about President Obama (reported in Rolling Stone by Hastings above...) 
6) Soldier's Angels Charity. Again, very controversial when I recommended against them, but my warnings led to the exposure of much of their wastes.
7) US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney. Where to start? She is gone now.
There have been others. In all cases, my warnings turned out to be correct. It is important to note that I do not make these recommendations from thin air. Warnings always are based on research. 
Think of these warnings like hurricane warnings on sunny days. The meteorologist is using many sensors and not just making up 'stuff.' He sees things that most people will not see unless they stop to look at the satellite images. To the meteorologist, the picture is clear -- he does not know where the hurricane is going, but he knows there is a hurricane and that it is going somewhere.
Hurricane Honda: We see clearly that Honda is rotten. We do not know how this will play out, but we know he is rotten.
Honda is mobbed up with Korean and Chinese interests. We know this with 100% certainty (100% being a term I seldom use.)
I have written about Honda many times, as many people may recall.
And now finally Honda is being investigated.
Why were we watching Honda? Because he his part of the anti-Japanese Coalition working to split the USA from Japan. This brought him on our radar, and after he got on the radar we saw what he is doing.
Honda is rotten...mark my word.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

USA: マイク・ホンダ、倫理問題を追及される

これまでホンダがすることを見て来た者は、彼は骨の髄まで腐っていることを知っている。記事の中の電子メールでは「南アジア」 — 特に朝鮮人と韓国人 — からの献金について触れているが、それはホンダが、なぜ世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会やアメリカ合衆国下院121号決議、それに慰安婦について熱心であるかの理由である。

USA: Mike Honda under Fire on Ethics issues
Those of us who have been watching Honda know that he is rotten to the core. These emails that talk about "south Asian" contributions -- specifically and mostly they are talking about Korean and Chinese -- this is specifically why Honda is neck deep with Global Alliance, HR 121, and comfort women issues.

Friday, July 17, 2015








Chiune Sugihara: A Silent Hero who was Forgotten for Many Years
When the world had turned its back on Jews and many people were determined to kill all Jews, Ambassador Sugihara refused to stand idle, and he facilitated the survival of thousands who were allowed under his hand to transit to Japan.
Ambassador Sugihara broke his own government's rules and made transit visas to Japan. He issued visas even to people without passports. 
Hitler wanted Japan to slaughter the Jews but Japan refused and let them be in peace. 
Mr. Sugihara and his family later were imprisoned by the Soviets as POWs for 18 months. When he returned to Japan, he was apparently forced to resign from the Foreign Ministry due to the Lithuanian incident with the visas.
He took a series of menial jobs and lived simply and in obscurity. 
In 1968 one of the men he saved finally tracked him down, and from there his story became more known in Israel and abroad, but not in Japan. Eventually he and his family were awarded perpetual Israeli citizenship.
Mr. Sugihara's story only became known in Japan when he died and many Jews from abroad came to his funeral, including the Israeli Ambassador. Only then was this hero discovered in his own country. Even his neighbors had not known.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Lithuania in Thailand, and a bit about USA and Japan
















Lithuania in Thailand, and a bit about USA and Japan
Walking in Chiang Mai, Thailand today I spotted a full sized American flag hanging respectfully from a pole in a restaurant. That in itself is not uncommon in Chiang Mai as this is an international town with people from all over.
But there was something curious about this flag. I talked with the owner who turns out to be from Lithuania -- which country happens to be mostly very fond of the USA. 
Lithuanians were important Coalition partners in Afghanistan and I had the privilege to go out with the Lithuanian Army on so some civil affairs missions. 
The Lithuanian Army in Ghor Province was providing security for Japanese JICA. (JICA is like Japanese USAID.)
JICA was putting billions (with a B) dollars into Afghanistan and getting no credit for it, and not asking for any credit. Japan is amazingly generous around the world.
Anyway, I greatly enjoyed my time with Lithuanian Soldiers. Those guys love basketball like you never would believe. I do not know why Lithuanians love basketball so much.
Back during World War II, Japanese Ambassador to Lithuania, Chiune Sugihara, helped save the lives of thousands of Jews. 
Ambassador Sugihara was writing by hand transit visas to Japan and saving Jews literally by the thousands. This was during a time with the United States turned away Jews and many are believed to have died as a result.
Hitler wanted Japan to kill the Jews but Japan refused. 
Some of those so-called Class-A war criminals enshrined at Yasukuni actually helped save Jews. (A dirty little secret that Americans and many others would prefer to forget.)
Ambassador Sugihara is a hero to Jews who know the story.
And so there I was...oddly enough, an American in Ghor Province with Japanese JICA and the Lithuanian Army as they worked to build infrastructure for Afghans.
But one time earlier I said something that caused an uproar in Lithuania. It was all over the Lithuanian press. 
Our defense attache in Vilnius (the capital) immediately contacted me saying there was uproar in Lithuania over my comments, which actually were obviously meant as a compliment to Lithuanian Special Forces but we had some language obstacles that caused confusion. 
To calm things down and help keep our relationship strong, I apologized immediately to the Commander of Lithuanian Special Operations Forces with this letter in 2008:
(Sort of like a little Kono Statement to Lithuania, only they took it well and in a good light and life moved on.)

Michael's Dispatches

Letter to Commander of Lithuanian Special Forces

I sent this letter directly to the Commander of Lithuanian Special Forces

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

日本と米国:質問と回答 —

追記:Korea -> 朝鮮、Korean->朝鮮人



Michael Yonからの答え




米国 ― 世界の中心
日本 ― 自らの存続に罪悪感をおぼえている

[ 朝鮮は(朝鮮と日本の双方は)、日本が存続するのに罪悪感をおぼえるようにしようとしている。朝鮮人たちは地上で初めての人で全ての知識の源だと思っている ]



Japan-US: a question and answer --
Question from: Hitomi Nagayama -- 
"Democracy is not an end but a means. The end is to protect a nation. And when you mention Thailand-US relation, I think Japan-US relation. It is difficult for me to explain in English, but I think that Japan is the country which loves America the most in the world and hates America the most in the world. But I know US has a lot of worth, and is very useful country for Japan, and maybe for Thailand. Japan needs America. Does US need Japan?"
Answer from: Michael Yon --
"Japan and the US need each other, and the world needs Japan and the US more than Japan or the world realize. 
"The US thinks the world orbits the US, and the US often overestimates its clout and value, while Japan underestimates the value of Japan. That is my sense of the playing field. 
"The US overvalues itself. Japan undervalues itself. Thailand is more realistic about itself than we (Japan and US) are. Also the UK seems to have a realistic view of its abilities, as does Germany. Japan and US are totally nuts on this, though. 
"U.S. -- Center of the Universe. 
"Japan -- Feels guilty for being alive
[Korea (both of them)- Try to make Japan feel guilty for being alive, and think they were the first people on earth and the reason for all knowledge.]
"Both Japan and the US need to reset our sensors. The Koreas need to see a psychologist.
"It is time for Japan to stand up shoulder to shoulder with the US as total and equal partners in all matters."

Saturday, July 11, 2015

日本 - 米国:アメリカでの非差別(PC)の妄想

日米の話題:  アメリカの「 政治的平等 運動」の愚かさ  露呈 ーーボストン美術館 着物の展示を人種差別だと非難

毎週、美術館を訪れると、「自分の中の カミーユ モネ 体験をしよう」というテーマで、クロード モネの「 ラ・ジャポネーゼ」の画の前で、モネの妻、カミーユが絵の中で着ている着物の複製を羽織って同じようなポーズをとる、というイベントがあった。

ボストン美術館が その写真をFacebookに載せたところ
政治運動家は直ちに そのイベントに人種差別だとのレッテルを貼り、民族のステレオタイプを拡散し、文化を盗用したものだと主張した。


これはアメリカの いわゆる 政治的平等運動の狂気と愚鈍さをよく表している。
私は今 日本に滞在しているが今日は少なくとも着物姿の女性を10人は見た。伝統的衣装を身にまとった女性は とても綺麗だ。

少し前には 両親らしき男女に連れられた二人の幼い女の子達も含めて 着物姿の人を数人、みかけた。

この抗議には何の根拠も無い。本物のカウボーイがまだ存在したら、の話だが、そんなことは笑い飛ばして、いいカウボーイ シューズが買えるのは何処か、教えてくれるに違いない。


Japan-USA: More PC insanity from America--"Boston kimono exhibit in race row"
"Every week, visitors were encouraged to "channel your inner Camille Monet" by posing in front of Claude Monet's "La Japonaise" while trying on a replica of the kimono Monet's wife, Camille, wears in the painting.
"The image Boston MFA put on its Facebook
Protesters quickly labelled this event as racist, saying it propagated racial stereotypes and encouraged cultural appropriation."
This demonstrates the inanity and sheer dullness of the American PC movement. I am in Japan and have seen at least ten women wearing kimonos today, and they are very beautiful in this traditional attire. 
Just in the past hour I have seen several, including two small girls who were with two adults, apparently their mom and dad.
This protest would be like someone in Japan protesting another Japanese wearing a cowboy hat because it might offend a Texan. The protest has no basis in fact. A real cowboy would laugh if he thought they thought this would be offensive to him. (The cowboy -- if there are any cowboys left -- might even tell them where they can buy some nice cowboy boots.)
Kimonos are elegant and classy.
PC -- is inelegant and not classy.